Following that, we went to lunch. My choice! And where did I choose? McDonald's of course! I just so happen to love the South West Salad. So thanks Deej!
After that, he dropped me home and I got ready. (All by myself this time. And I didn't completely and totally fail!)
When we got to the dance, we had a scrumptious dinner followed by a little walk. Where did we walk to? Lindon... kinda. But it was fun and I'm sure we looked quite peculiar strolling along the side of the road in our formal attire.
Finally, it was dancin' time. Oh baby!!! I happen to love dances, you see and so the 12o minutes we spent there was blissful. I got to see all my beautiful friends, and party hardy with Deej! Good stuff!
DEEJ! Thank you so much for taking me to our last dance EVER! (Sad!)I feel so honored and I hope you know that I had an AMAZING time.
ps. here are some random facts i feel i must add:
-At the dance I had 12 comments saying I looked like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Aww! I'm so honored! (Oh and 1 Cinderella comment, but that doesn't count.)
-"We're so happy!" and "Nah."\
-DJ's name isn't really DJ. It's Connor. But last Summer, when I met him for the first time, that's what he told me his name was so it's kinda stuck ever since...
Anyway! Thanks again Deej! I mean, Connor! I mean, DJ! I mean, I'm confused...
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