
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hair. Hair. Hair. Hair. Hair. Hair. Hair. Hair. Hairrrr. Hairrrr. Hairrr. Hairrr. HAIR.

the title is from a song from the musical Hair, if you didn't know...

For several weeks now, I have been desiring a change. I wasn't sure how exactly but I knew I didn't want to stay the way I was. A few days later, I had an epiphany as I was listening to the song, "Arms. " I want hair like Christina Perri's, I thought! So a few weeks later (as in last Tuesday), I went into the salon to my dear, dear friend Janna and ever so kindly, she gave me the look I desired!

me and mary. last day of school.

It feels so new and so fun!
So I would like to thank Janna (for being amazing at everything), Chris (for convincing me to do it), and my family (for letting me do it and loving it... because they're cool like that). So thank you Janna, Chris, and my family! LOVE YOU.

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