Monday, January 31, 2011
Six things I learned from being pulled over...
5. (pre popo sighting) Don't speed. Even if no one is on the road with you. Don't do it. Even if it's an accident and you simply don't notice that you're gong X mph over the speed limit.
4. Don't speed up when you see the flashng lights behind you. Yep, I confess. Tht was my first thought. But don't worry, my right mind kicked in and said, "ARE YOU STUPID?!?!" It worked and I slowed down. However it was super, super awkward because I got stuck at a light and the police car was behind me. Don't worry my heart was racing the entire red light. Longest red light ever.
3. Know where your registration is. Specifically. I knew it was in the glove box but I gave Officer R every piece of paper in there before I gave him the right one. Awkward.
2. Pray. And pray hard. When Officer R went back to his car with my license and registration, I prayed. A lot. A ticket right now? No bueno. (However, when is a ticket ever convenient...)
1. Don't cry. Or cry. I can't decide. I held it together until he came back to my car and said, "Have you ever had a ticket before?" Cue the sobs. That's right. They were extremely attrative. As soon as I started crying a wee bit uncontrollably, his facial exression softened a bit and he started to talk to me about deers and such. (Apparently 5-6 deers are hit a week on universtiy ave. Sad huh.) Finally he said, "... so I'll just give you a warning tonight. Can you promise to be more aware of the speed limit?" You bet I can!!!! And the absolute last thing he said before he went to his car... "And Alexandra, next time you get a ticket, try not to cry as much." Okay Officer R. I'll try my darndest not to. But you guys are scary!
However, thank you SO much for your kindness. You were just doing your job and I truly appreciate your service to the city.
PS please don't pull me over anytime again soon. I've been traumatized and can't say I'll get over it anytime soon.... JK but seriously...
PS surprise daddy!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
We're Back.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
mp & sb
Sunday, January 16, 2011
So the four of us, plus my sister Katie, jumped in the car and went driving. We ended up going to Spanish Fork only to find that is was closed. And because Mary had to be at school by 8 (for a choir thing) we decided to go to the one and only McDonald's for breakfast. Believe it or not, they really do have amazing pancakes. Following the meal, we ventured into the play place and told a platera of jokes. Eventually we all went down the slide and got out because, quite frankly, it smelt funny in there. (ps at 7:38am, the exact time I was born and therefor turned 18, I was in said play place. Yes... I don't think I have magically turned into an adult yet.)
When I got home, the plan was to go back to bed. I was exhausted! However when I walked in the door I was bombarded with 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY'S!' by my lovely family and we went straight to opening presents. Thank you family and friends for my presents! Everyone is so kind to me-- too kind to me!
My sissy gave me Nie's caldendar. Love.
After that the goal was to maybe go to bed but did I? No. I recieved some money for my birthday and my Mom suggested that I go clothes shopping. Except I always feel bad clothes shopping because I already have clothes and I feel like I should be spending my money on something else. However, I am speaking in general stake conference next Sunday and my Mom suggested I get something for that. It was justified. So I went.
I have never been more successful shopping! I was actually able to find several articles of clothing that I liked and when I tried them on, I still liked them! It's a birthday miracle! Mission accomplished.
Papa on my birthday.
When I came home guess what I did? If you guessed sleep, you are correct! Finally. It was a glorious 2 hour nap. Those were a good 120 minutes because when I woke up, I remembered the fun wasn't over! I watched some Pirates of the Caribbean with my sister and then got ready for a night on the town! But literally, we ended up walking around 'Downtown Historical Provo' a lot! I met my friends, Kylee, Jake and Curtis, in Orem and then went to 'Historical Provo' (like I mentioned). We went out to eat and then on to a show. Food: Gloria's Little Italy. Show: Comedy Sportz. Amazing food, amazing show and amazing company. Oh and I got sung to at both places... that's the best part of birthday's in my opinon. The awkward singing accompanied with the awkward eye contact.... but really. Where am I supposed to look when strangers are singing to me? I never really figured that out. And I won't for at least another year....
I have strange facial expressions.
And then that was that! I came home, climbed into bed and counted my blessings. Because I have a lot. And you are one of them. Thank you everyone for making my birthday so special. I love you all so much and I am so thankful to you have you apart of my lives.Love my sisters.
ps. I'm an ADUUUUUUUUUUUULT. snl anyone? yeah, I've been wating a while to say that.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Rapunzel and Eugene forver.
Monday, January 3, 2011
what were you doing when the clock struck 12 and somehow, 2010 magically turned into 2011?
i'll tell you what i was doing.
i was running through the mall, that's what.
pretty exciting, yeah?
i first acknowledged it was the new year at 12:02.
some of us, including yours truly, are, unfortunately, just not very punctual.
even for this exciting new year that lies ahead.
but the important thing is that we made it this far.
the first words that came out of my mouth in 2011 were...
"Quinn, stop being so creepy."
nice, huh?
happy new year everyone! this is going to be a good year. i can feel it in my bones.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Thank you. Kindly.
And for those of you who I have never met but just read this blog, thank you for staying with me. Here are the highlights from each month (click on each month to see the post):
what were you doing when the clock struck 12 and somehow, 2010 magically turned into 2011?
i'll tell you what i was doing.
i was running through the mall, that's what.
pretty exciting, yeah?
i first acknowledged it was the new year at 12:02.
some of us, including yours truly, are, unfortunately, just not very punctual.
even for this exciting new year that lies ahead.
but the important thing is that we made it this far.
the first words that came out of my mouth in 2011 were...
"Quinn, stop being so creepy."
nice, huh?
happy new year everyone! this is going to be a good year. i can feel it in my bones.