However, I am so grateful for it and all the many blessings it brought me!
Let's review, shall we?
- I turned 19.
- I quit my job in retail.
- I got accepted into the Disney College Program as a full service restaurant hostess.
- I went to my first Jazz game with DJ.
- I got a waitress job.
- My very good friend, Stuart, left on a mission for Lansing, Michigan.
- I walked into a men's bathroom on accident.
- I auditioned for an entertainment internship at Disney World.
- I attended my first Color Festival (holy chalk).
- Danielle successfully coordinated a 'Best Buddies Palooza' at the high school she works at.
- I dyed Easter Eggs for the first time.
- I learned I got accepted into the entertainment department at Walt Disney World.
- Curbsy got his mission call to the New York New York, North Mission.
- Brannigan turned ONE.
- Curt and I celebrated our two year anniversary.
- I went 4-wheeling for the first time.
- I went to the midnight premiere of Batman. (nananananannananana)
- Mr. C became Elder Boyfriend on July 25th when he entered the MTC in Provo, UT.
- Daren organized the First Annual Bigfoot Awareness Run.
- I quite my waitress job.
- My Daddy entered his play, 'The Fork' in a contest... it won ps. NBD.
- I went to Lagoon.
- I helped MP with her yard sale to raise money for her humanitarian trip to India.
- I saw Elder Boyfriend playing soccer outside the MTC. Eeek!
- My Mama and I went on a 4-day road trip with the final destination being Orlando, Florida.
- I started my entertainment internship with Disney.
- Mama traveled to England to visit her parents.
- Puppy.
- I seriously cut my finger THREE TIMES trying to slice a mango. (#pathetic)
- Daddy and Dano came to Florida to visit me for a few days.
- Reader.
- No more brown eyes for me! I got blue contacts.
- Gum got stuck in my hair. Gum.
- I came down with laryngitis and a sinus infection.
- Fish.
- I took a spur of the moment trip home over Thanksgiving.
- My extension request was accepted, resulting in my internship ending in May rather than January.
- I passed the class I took while here in Florida.
- The New Fantasyland opened at Walt Disney World (I was a part of the opening. No big deal).
- My Dad's play, "The First Christmas" had a very successful run at the Scera.
- My dear friend, Erin, got engaged.
- I survived my first Christmas away from home (To me, that is an accomplishment).
All I can say is you are a charmed life! Great year. Let's have another one!
ReplyDeleteUncle Kenny
I am so excited for you for this new year, of 2013 and for all the years to follow. May you always have the Lord's choicest blessings,